Snijtech from Joure is a prominent supplier for Dutch yacht building, shipbuilding, machine building and equipment construction. It has been decided to improve the processes surrounding sales orders with the Tradecloud platform. Jan Zwart, Account Manager at Snijtech says:
‘One of our customers, Nooteboom Trailers from Wijchen, made us aware of the existence of Tradedcloud’s supply chain portal. Nooteboom has been working with this SaaS portal for some time and uses it to automatically transfer purchase orders from their ERP package to suppliers. We were also asked to join as a supplier to the Tradecloud B2B network. Nooteboom is very passionate about integrating the supply chain and eliminating manual activities. At Snijtech we are now running for one month with Tradecloud and I can say that it works easily and is well organized. Conveniently, we can also link all technical drawings to order lines. E-mailing and calling about orders is no longer necessary, because you communicate with each other in the portal. ‘