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Order export
Having issues Opening .CSV file in Excel? They exporting as .xlsx
How does the order export work?
Tradecloud One offers users the possibility to export orders from the portal in an .CSV (comma-separated values) & .xlsx (Excel) format. This page will explain how the export function works.
Orders can be exported from the Orders page using the “EXPORT” button at the top right in the blue banner. A user can determine which orders are exported based on the regular order filters.
NOTE: Non-admin buyer users are not able to export orders.
For example, if you want to export all Issued orders, then select the “Issued” process filter. If you want to export only one specific order, then search for that order using the Search box.
Select the data you need
Because Tradecloud One uses over 200 data fields, a feature is implemented to customize the export file. This can be done in the dialog which is opened after the “EXPORT” button is clicked. The available data fields for export are categorized into 7 groups, within each group a user can select fields which must be included in the .CSV file.
Based on a user’s role (buyer or supplier) a default set of data fields is preselected. However, a user’s customization is saved in the local storage from the browser when any changes are made in the selection. So a user doesn’t have to select the desired fields every time an export is made.
GENERAL ORDER DATA | Includes the aggregated order statuses and dates when an order received a specific status for the first time. |
BUYER ORDER | Includes the order header information originated by the buyer’s ERP. For example, the destination and incoterms. |
SUPPLIER ORDER | Includes the order header information originated by the supplier’s ERP (Can only be filled when a supplier also has an integration with Tradecloud One) |
GENERAL LINE DATA | Includes the order line statuses, dates when an order line received a specific status for the first time & aggregated item detail data. |
BUYER LINE | Includes the order line information originated by the buyer’s ERP. For example, the price, quantity & delivery date. |
SUPPLIER LINE | Includes the order line information originated by the suppliers. For example, the sales order number of an order line. |
CONFIRMED LINE | Includes the order line information where the buyer and supplier agreed upon. (Only filled when the order line has been in the process status Confirmed) |