Mirian Pieterson
Supply chain manager at Vespo
Vespo chooses Tradecloud One supply chain platform to streamline purchasing process with suppliers in Egypt and Pakistan.
Fewer disruptions. More insight into deliveries.
Vespo home textiles or workwear are present in almost all households in the Netherlands. Textile is the passion that is deep in the fibers of Vespo. By focusing on sustainable raw materials and production, Vespo aims for structural collaborations with its partners. To achieve this and to take the next step in professionalization and scalability, it is important that manual order administration is automated as much as possible and that there is more insight into the status of orders and deliveries.
The search for a flexible, scalable and user-friendly supply chain platform to replace the many emails and Excel sheets quickly led to Tradecloud One.
Using the Tradecloud One platform, order confirmations are processed automatically and buyers only have to assess the exceptions. In addition, everyone looks at the same data and all communication is also centrally recorded. The business case for the project consists of automating manual work and preventing disruptions and errors.
“We came up against the limits to manage our suppliers in Asia and Africa, and transport partners in the Netherlands, via emails and Excel sheets. With Tradecloud One we are taking an important step towards task-oriented working and better cooperation with our suppliers and logistics partners” says Mirian Pieterson, Supply chain manager at Vespo

Fast results and then further optimisation
The focus of the first phase is on rapid integration with suppliers in Egypt. The information and experience gained from this will be used to connect the other suppliers and to further improve the purchasing processes. Functionally, the focus is on the process of sending orders, receiving confirmations and planning deliveries. Suppliers will confirm orders online and this data will be processed fully automatically in the ERP system (MS Dynamics), including a workflow to approve or reject deviations on number, date, price in one go. In addition, all communication between Vespo and supplier is recorded centrally and ‚in context‘ (instead of unstructured emails) and documents such as packing slips and telex releases and specifications will be shared via the platform.
“Vespo fits perfectly within our focus on fast-growing wholesalers who need better communication with their suppliers in Asia, and need more insight into deliveries and containers. It is great that we can help this industry leader to realize a fast and flexible supply chain!” says Tonnis de Boer, Director at Tradecloud.

About Vespo
We are textiles. Textiel is het hart van ons DNA, dat is waar het sinds de start in 1960 allemaal om draait. En die enorme passie voor stoffen, die blijft altijd. We weten alles van textiel. Daarom zetten we met onze specialistische kennis de toon in de markt. We staan dichtbij de klant. Doordat we echt luisteren en meedenken, begrijpen we precies wat er nodig is en spelen we in op de werkelijke behoefte. Of dit nou de volledige verzorging van de supply chain of een nieuw handdoekdesign is. Mens en milieu gaan ons na aan het hart, daarom worden onze producten eerlijk gemaakt. Dat weten we, omdat we thuis zijn in de productieomgeving. En innovatieve ontwikkelingen zoals duurzame textielvezels? Ook daarin zijn we toonaangevend.
About Tradecloud
Tradecloud is het data gedreven supply chain platform voor de industrie en groothandel. Inkopers en leveranciers vertrouwen op Tradecloud om kosten te besparen en sneller te reageren op veranderende marktomstandigheden. Het platform biedt o.a. functionaliteit voor orders, leveringen, real time chat, AI gebaseerde workflow en het delen van specificaties. Het snel groeiende netwerk verbindt duizenden inkopers en leveranciers uit de industrie en groothandel.In tegenstelling tot traditionele software zijn de implementatietijden kort, de abonnementskosten op basis van gebruik en is het aansluiten van leveranciers snel en eenvoudig. Gebruikers zijn o.a. Alfen, HBM, Eichholtz, Gazelle, Moba, Nooteboom Trailers, Van Raam, ERIKS, Elcee en vele anderen.
Mehr Case Studies
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- Nooteboom Trailers: 200.000 Auftragspositionen weitgehend automatisch verarbeiten, einschließlich CAD-Dateien
- Eriks: Mehr Einblick und damit bessere Erfüllung unserer Vereinbarungen mit Kunden
- Voortman Steel Group: Aufträge automatisch an Lieferanten senden, wobei nur die Ausnahmen im Vordergrund stehen!
- Bosch Rexroth: Kundenaufträge direkt in Deutschland in SAP bearbeiten
- Van Egmond: B2B eCommerce für unsere OEM Kunden
- Intersafe: 50% weniger Auftragsverwaltung
- BPA: Verbessern von Lieferantenzuverlässigkeit
- Quooker : Datenaustausch mit Lieferanten in China
- Technetix: Die Kommunikation mit Lieferanten in Asien verbessern
- Van Raam: Bestellungen automatisch mit Lieferanten teilen über das Supply Chain Portal von Exact Globe
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