Orders overdue

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Orders overdue

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This page describes how overdue labels are used within the Tradecloud One portal.

Overdue settings

Admin users can determine when order lines are overdue. This can be done on two levels:

  • Default, this setting will apply for orders of all connected suppliers for whom a Supplier-specific setting is not specified.
  • Supplier-specific, which will apply only to a specified supplier.

The default setting can be set on the Company settings page.

By default there will be a 2 day delay and no receipts will be booked during the weekends

The Supplier-specific settings can be specified per connected supplier on the network page.
It is also possible to disable the overdue feature for specific suppliers.

When is an order line overdue?

Order lines are labelled overdue in the Tradecloud One portal when a confirmed delivery date of one of the delivery lines within an order line is in the past, while the logistical status of that delivery line is “Open”. Tradecloud will take into account the time needed for the goods receipt process, specified by the buyer.

Tradecloud will check every night if an order line has become overdue. Also, it will be checked during specific events, for example when an order line gets confirmed.

When will the overdue label be removed?

The overdue label will be removed automatically when

  • The confirmed delivery date is no longer in the past, this can happen for example when a reopen request is approved.
  • The overdue delivery line has no longer the logistical status “open”. (for example when the delivery line becomes delivered)
  • The order line related to the overdue delivery line becomes Completed or Cancelled.

Where to find overdue orders?

Overdue orders and lines can be filtered, on the overview pages.
Overdue orders can be recognized by the red labelled delivery date.

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