Logistical statuses

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Logistical statuses

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This page describes how logistical statuses are used within the Tradecloud One portal.

Description of the Logistical statuses

The logistical status of an order indicates where the order is in the physical stream of the goods from the supplier to the buyer. The following logistical statuses are used by Tradecloud:

OpenThe physical location of the goods is unknown or not (yet) applicable.
ProducedThe production of the goods is completed, but the goods are not yet ready to ship. (Eg. because an inspection is required)
Ready to shipThe goods can be shipped to the final destination.
ShippedThe goods are shipped.
DeliveredThe goods are delivered to the final destination

Note: it is not required to use all statuses in your logistical process.

Where logistical statuses are used

Tradecloud uses logistical statuses on three levels, namely:

  • on order level (aggregation of the Logistical statuses within the order)
  • on order line level (aggregation of the Logistical statuses within the order line)
  • on order delivery line level

Delivery lines are the positions in the delivery schedule of the order line. Eg. if there is only one delivery moment identified, then an order line has one delivery line. If there are two delivery moments identified, then an order line has two delivery lines.

Filtering on the logistical status

It is possible to filter on the logistical status In the orders as well as order line overview.
Filtering can be done in the order overview based on the logistical status on order level & delivery line level.
In the order line overview, this can be done on order line level & delivery line level.

The toggle in the search box indicates on which level you filter.

Updating the logistical status of a delivery line

By the supplier

The logistical status can be updated by suppliers via the Shipment Planning module

Read more about how to update the logistical status of a delivery line here.

A delivery line must have a position originated from the buyer’s ERP to be able to update the logistical status of a delivery line.

By the buyer

Delivery lines can be updated by buyers via the ERP integration. It is possible to influence the logistical status of a delivery line by making use of indicators, read more about this in our API manual.

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