Tradecloud One – Release 4.1

Tradecloud One is the successor of the previous Tradecloud version and has some big improvements that were made based on customer input.

Key changes:

  • Improved User Interface
  • Easily search, find and connect with buyers or suppliers (Linkedin style)
  • Integrate your ERP with multiple buyers or suppliers via one interface
  • Actionable insights, supply chain analytics and exception management
  • Advanced modules for Orders, Shipments and Forecasts
  • Real time supply chain chat and activity stream
  • Faster, more scalable and secure

Key features

Home page with Activity stream

The homepage now has a real time activity stream that shows all events in your supply chain plus some basic metrics.

In Tradecloud One all activities, actions, communications or updates are ‘events’ that are logged and can be shown in the activity stream.

Purchase / Sales Orders

The Order overview and order details screen are still in place but have been re-designed for improved functionality.

Order overview:

  • You can select the view for Orders or Order lines
  • Statuses have been improved (see below)
  • The user can select what columns to show
  • Easy sorting of lines

Order detail page:

  • Status bar at the top that shows the status of the order line
  • Improved layout
  • Order header with lines below
  • Activity stream below about this specific order
  • The possibility to communicate between buyer and seller

Order line detail:

  • Status bar with the status of the Order line
  • Action buttons for the workflow
  • Improved layout for showing buyer / supplier details
  • Clear visibility of proposed changes from the supplier to the buyer (in orange)

Tasks / workflow / communication

The communication and workflow functionality has been combined in one Task screen.

This function combines all to do’s for a user.

Supply chain metrics (will be add later)

All detailed metrics have been combined in one page with all relevant metrics.

Changes compared to the previous release

To make the changes above required us to rethink some decisions from the past and set up some processes a little differently than that they were. This all to make the product better and to add new functionality quicker.

  1. Confirm PO’s by the Buyer in the name of the supplier.  
    New situation: confirming by buyer feature is not available in the new release because of traceability and security reasons.
    Alternative: Suppliers must be active on the portal. In the new release you can see who actually confirmed, all activities are logged in the activity stream
  2. Buyer may mark order lines as received
    Current functionality: The buyer may mark order lines as received.  (default this setting is off)
    New solution: Not yet planned in the new release, will be part of the new Shipment module
    Alternative: none
  3. Buyer may cancel order(lines). Displays cancel button in the portal
    Current functionality: Buyer may cancel order(lines) manually. Displays cancel button in the portal.  (default this setting is off)
    New solution: Not yet planned in the new release
    Alternative: cancel via ERP integration
  4. Cancel PO with quantity zero
    Current functionality: a purchase order line having first some requested quantity, when updating requested quantity to zero, this will cancel the line.
    Enabled for: ERP systems not having an explicit cancel feature)
    New solution: canceling is the responsibility of the buyer/supplier integration or ERP system. A cancel command from the ERP system may be used on order or line level in the order or order response message.
    Alternative: none
  5. Split lines by supplier
    Current functionality: supplier may split purchase order lines (default this setting is off)
    New solution: proposing a delivery schedule is a standard feature for the supplier. A delivery schedule can consist of multiple deliveries of one order (line)
    Alternative: none
  6. Split lines numbering
    Current functionality: line code strategy for split lines. Default do not generate a code or increase last number
    New solution: the position number of a new scheduled line will be empty, and  if needed, should be created by the buyer’s integration or ERP system
  7. Archive orders
    Current functionality: Buyer may manually archive order lines. Displays archive button in the portal Purchase order line detail page (default this setting is off).
    New platform: archived is replaced by order/line completed status, on which you can filter, in the Orders. Completing is the responsibility of the buyer integration or ERP system. A complete command may be used on order or line level in the order message from the ERP system. A complete order/line feature is not available in the portal.
    Alternative: none