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Functional differences between the previous release and Tradecloud One.
Tradecloud One is released in Q3 of 2020, this document is focused on highlighting the difference in the use of the previous release (legacy form now on) and Tradecloud One for you as a salesperson.
We have made some improvements in the following processes
- Order overview
- Confirmations & communications
- Searching & filtering
- Inviting new users
- Establishing new connections
Order overview
Old situation

New situation

We have improved the order overview. At the top you see the old situation, at the bottom the new situation
Alongside the changes in the User Interface (UI), there are some more changes that deserve some attention. As you can see on the screen left, we introduced new kinds of status types. We now make use of process statuses, logistical statuses and labels. This is done to give a more complete insight into the status of an order or order line.
Another difference is that no bulk actions can be done in the order overview anymore. Instead of this, we introduced Tasks which will be illustrated in the Confirmations and communications paragraph.
Order detail page

At the top you see the current order detail page, at the bottom the new one. These two pages contain the same information, yet there are some differences. In Tradecloud One an order event stream is added to every order detail page. This stream, located on the left of the page, logs everything that is related to the order. E.g. The issue date and confirmation date, who was confirming, but also questions and comments are logged in this event stream.
Furthermore, we added an order timeline, at the top of the page. This timeline shows the status of the order.
See below the order line detail page. As you can see the order and order line pages are similar. The only difference is that the line page shown all information related to one specific line.

Confirmations and communications
As you could see, confirmations can be done in the order and order line detail pages. In the order page, you can select multiple lines and preform bulk confirmations, on the line page, you can only confirm one order line.
But there is another place where you can confirm your orders, the Tasks page. The Tasks page lists all your (company’s) tasks. So, for every new incoming order, we create a task for you. Everybody in your company can see and perform all the tasks. We differentiate two types of tasks, order tasks and conversation tasks. Order tasks are created when new incoming orders are send to you and conversation tasks are created when your customer asks you a question in the order or order line detail page.

Searching & filtering
In the legacy release, it was only possible to search via the order overview page. In Tradecloud One you can search using the general search box which is located at the very top right of the page.
You can use the search box not only to search on order (reference) numbers, but you can also search on other companies and users who use Tradecloud One, so you can find new connections. More about connections in section Establishing new connections.
Furthermore, you can now use multiple filters in the order overview page. It is possible to filter on multiple statuses, filter on companies and locations all at the same time.
Inviting new users
Inviting new users can still only be done by admin users, but it is now visible for one inside a company who is an admin and who is not. This can be spotted by the blue banner attached to someone’s picture. Below, you see the user overview of legacy (only for admins) and beneath that , you see the user overview of Tradecloud One. Admin users can be invited by the orange “inviting a team member” button.

Establishing new connections
A big advantage of Tradecloud One over the legacy release is that supplier can now manage their own accounts. In fact, this means a supplier can now connect to more than one buyer per account. So multiple Tradecloud accounts are not needed anymore. Furthermore, the supplier can even invite new buyers to do business with. New connections can be made on the Network page. Here you can find and invite new companies by the orange “connect with a buyer” button.

In our knowledge base, you can find more information about our software, the modules we offer, ERP integration options, and many other topics.
If you don’t find the answer to your question, please contact us directly.